Schröpfen am Rücken: Wirkung, Anleitung & Tipps 25. August 2024 Erfahre, wie Schröpfen am Rücken wirkt, welche Punkte wichtig sind und wie Du die Technik richtig anwendest, um Verspannungen zu lindern.
Bruises: How to treat them after cupping.... July 15, 2023 Blue spots are desirable but unattractive during cupping. We show you how you can quickly get rid of them with 6 simple tips.
Cupping against cellulite: The new anti-cellul... July 14, 2023 Cellulite is a common problem that affects many women. Discover cupping as an additional tool to get rid of cellulite.
Schröpfmassage: Altes Heilverfahren mit moderne... July 14, 2023 Die Schröpfmassage erfreut sich immer größer werdender Beliebtheit. Erfahre welche Wirkung Du mit ihr erzielen kannst und wie Du sie anwendest.
Cupping for fat loss - Your metabolism boost July 13, 2023 A good metabolism is crucial for losing weight. Cupping dilates the blood vessels and thereby stimulates the
Cupping with fire - an ancient healing tradition July 11, 2023 Fire cupping is an ancient healing tradition known in many parts of the world. We show you how to use it and what alternatives are available.