Our bundles

Best Seller Bundle


€119,- (instead of €143,90)
You save 17%!

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Acupressure Complete Bundle

Acupressure Complete

€139,- (instead of €163,80)
You save 15%!

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Acupressure Office Bundle

Acupressure Office

€67,- (instead of €79,80)
You save 15%!

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Acupressure To-Go

€53,- (instead of €62,80)
You save 15%!

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Akupressur Reise

€82,- (statt €96,90)
Du sparst 15%!

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Fascia Bundle


€99,- (statt €118,90)
Du sparst 16%!

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Trigger Points Bundle

Trigger points

€69,- (instead of €79,80)
You save 13%!

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Mindfulness Bundle


€78,- (instead of €92,80)
You save 16%!

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Yoga Bundle


€80,- (instead of €94,70)
You save 15%!

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Team from BACKLAxx®

Our vision

A world with more health, well-being and relaxation! 

We want to enable everyone to live a healthy, pain-free and balanced life through our sustainable products.
We are more than just a manufacturer for you, together we are part of the BACKLAxx® family!

Social commitment with Plastic Free Planet

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