Roland Späht - 15.07.2023

Bruises: how to get rid of them quickly after cupping

Bruising is a desirable result of cupping.

Bverybody wants to get rid of stains quickly. They are unsightly, annoying and cause pain as soon as you press on them. Nobody wants them in everyday life. In cupping, however, they are even desired and signal a successful treatment. Nevertheless, you want to get rid of them quickly. We show you what you can do preventively and after the treatment, so that the circular bruises disappear quickly after cupping.

Table of contents

  • Hematoma and bruise
  • Tendency to bruise
  • Quick help after cupping
  • Conclusion

Hematoma and bruise

Bruises, also known as bruises or hematomas, occur when small blood vessels under the skin are damaged and blood leaks into the surrounding tissue. This leaked blood collects and causes a bluish discoloration on the skin.

There are several causes of bruises. One common cause is an injury where the skin or tissue is damaged by a bump, blow or other type of trauma. When blood vessels near the injury are damaged, blood leaks out and a bruise forms. Bruising occurs during cupping because small blood vessels burst as the skin is sucked in.

Cupping uses a special technique in which glasses or bowls are placed on the skin to create a negative pressure. This negative pressure causes the skin and underlying tissue to be sucked into the glass or bowl. This compresses the blood vessels in the area and can cause them to burst, resulting in a bruise.

It is important to note that bruises after cupping are normal and are even considered a sign of successful treatment. They indicate that cupping has stimulated blood flow and that blood and other metabolic products have accumulated in the tissues. This is a natural part of the healing process.

Tendency to bruise

Some people tend to bruise faster than others due to various factors such as:

1. Sensitive blood vessels: Some people have naturally more sensitive blood vessels that can be damaged more easily. This can cause them to develop bruises more quickly.

2. Genetic predisposition: A predisposition to bruising may also be genetic. If blood clotting disorders or other genetic factors are present, this can lead to an increased susceptibility to bruising.

3. Medications: Certain medications, such as blood thinning medications or anti-inflammatory medications, can affect blood clotting and increase the risk of bruising.

4. Age: As people age, their skin becomes thinner and blood vessels become more sensitive. This can cause older people to develop bruises more quickly.

It is important to note that the tendency to bruise can vary from person to person and depends on several factors. If someone regularly develops unexplained bruising or is concerned about the frequency or severity of bruising, they should see a doctor to rule out possible underlying medical problems.

Quick help after cupping

After cupping, several measures can be taken to get rid of the bruises.

1. vitamins: Vitamin C (citrus) and rutin (parsley, citrus, St. John's wort) strengthen blood vessels.

2. Pause: pause cupping treatment until bruising has subsided.

3. Cooling: immediately after cupping, applying cold compresses or ice packs to the treated areas can help reduce swelling and inflammation. This can help bruises resolve more quickly.

4. Arnica ointment: applying arnica ointment to bruises can help speed healing. Arnica has anti-inflammatory properties and can promote blood flow, which can help bruises resolve faster. In addition, extracts of St. John's wort, calendula, Aesculus hippocastanum or camphor may also be useful.

5. Warm compresses: A day after the treatment, you can apply warming compresses to the treated areas or take a hot bath. This promotes blood flow, and so blood breakdown can be accelerated.

6. Elevating: Elevating the affected areas can help reduce blood flow and promote healing. For example, place pillows under the affected arms or legs to elevate them.


Bruising, also known as bruising or hematoma, is a natural part of cupping and signals successful treatment. There are various causes of bruising, and some people tend to bruise more quickly than others. After cupping, several actions can be taken to reduce bruising quickly. These include refraining from cupping, applying cold compresses, applying arnica ointment, gentle massage, and elevating the affected area. 

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Founder BACKLAxx® and Content Manager.

About the author

Roland Späht is the founder of BACKLAxx® and a content strategist. He had already been struggling with back pain since childhood due to scoliosis. After studying engineering, he worked in project management for years and during this time he intensively dealt with the treatment of his worsening back pain.

His goal was to fight his way out of this downward spiral of pain without medication and permanent medical treatment. In this way he found ways and means for himself that permanently relieved his pain. He is firmly convinced that everyone can find an alternative way out of pain.