Roland Späht - 14.07.2023

Cupping Massage - What does it really do?

Cupping massage stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow.

Dhe cupping massage is an uncomplicated and gentle type of massage. It is mainly used in cosmetics and consists of two different techniques: cupping and a massage that promotes blood circulation and lymph flow. In this form of massage, oil is applied and cupping glasses are placed on the skin. A negative pressure is then created and the bells are passed over the skin.

This stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow. In this article, we will take a closer look at what cupping massage really does and what benefits it can provide. Learn more about this fascinating form of massage and how it can help you improve your health and well-being.

Table of contents

  • What is cupping?
  • How does the cupping massage work?
  • When not to do cupping massage?
  • Effect
  • Conclusion

What is cupping?

The basic instrument of cupping massage can be cupping bells made of glass, plastic or medical silicone. Whether you use the bells traditionally with a flame as in fire cupping or modern cupping products with hand pump, pump ball does not matter. The only important thing is that it is easy for you to handle. The advantage of cupping glasses with pump or pump ball is that you can dose the vacuum very precisely. This avoids unsightly bruises.

It is of great importance that during the massage the movements take place along the muscle cords and the spinous processes are avoided. Furthermore, it is essential to move the cupping bells in a slow. Only in this way the cupping massage can develop its full effect and is maximally relaxing. In order to enable a better gliding over the skin, it is recommended to massage the corresponding areas on the back or thigh with a caring oil or ointment beforehand.

Place the bell on the area to be massaged and create the vacuum. This pulls the skin inwards, thus stimulating blood circulation. Then you move the cupping bells over the skin similar to a massage. You can push, pull or make circular movements. Through the vacuum, especially the lower tissue layers are addressed, which leads to a deep relaxation of the muscles. The treatment lasts about 10 to 15 minutes in total.

If you would like to learn more about cupping, we recommend the following blog post: Cupping - Application and Effect

Cupping glasses set 12 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 12 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 12 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 12 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 12 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 12 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 12 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 12 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 12 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 12 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 12 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 12 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 12 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 12 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)

Cupping glasses set 12 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)

Cupping glasses set 24 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 24 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 24 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 24 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 24 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 24 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 24 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 24 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 24 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 24 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 24 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 24 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 24 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)
Cupping glasses set 24 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)

Cupping glasses set 24 pieces (incl. free video course & eBook)

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Cupping glasses set 5 pieces (incl. free eBook)
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Cupping glasses set 5 pieces (incl. free eBook)
Cupping glasses set 5 pieces (incl. free eBook)
Cupping glasses set 5 pieces (incl. free eBook)
Cupping glasses set 5 pieces (incl. free eBook)
Cupping glasses set 5 pieces (incl. free eBook)
Cupping glasses set 5 pieces (incl. free eBook)
Cupping glasses set 5 pieces (incl. free eBook)
Cupping glasses set 5 pieces (incl. free eBook)
Cupping glasses set 5 pieces (incl. free eBook)
Cupping glasses set 5 pieces (incl. free eBook)

Cupping glasses set 5 pieces (incl. free eBook)


When not to do cupping massage?

Cupping massage should not be applied in

- skin diseases (e.g. psoriasis),
- acute local inflammations,
- general skin sensitivity,
- acute sunburn,
- injuries of the skin (cuts, abrasions),
- bleeding tendency,
- skin tumors,
- inflammations of the veins,
- thromboses in deep leg veins,
- pronounced varicose veins.

The massage would irritate the affected areas too much or can lead to injuries. In case of doubt, ask your doctor.


Cupping massage enjoys great popularity during a spa treatment, as it has numerous positive effects on the body. First of all, this type of massage promotes blood and lymph circulation. In this way, the body can get rid of waste products of metabolism more easily. In addition, cupping massage promotes the body's own self-healing powers and strengthens the immune system. This is very helpful for the treatment of cellulite, for example.

The skin also becomes more receptive to caring substances - ointments and creams can be absorbed more effectively. When cupping is used in specific places along the spine, this can stimulate the meridians responsible for the flow of energy. Meridians are a central concept in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

They are invisible energy channels in the body along which vital energy, also known as Qi, flows. It is believed that there are 12 main meridians that are connected to the various organs and body systems. Each meridian also has a specific function and is associated with a specific element in TCM.

Stimulation of the meridians, for example through acupuncture or certain massage techniques, is believed to balance the flow of energy in the body and promote health. Ultimately, this massage technique is similar to the connective tissue massage and thus has a relaxing effect into the deeper layers of muscle tissue.


Cupping massage is an effective method to improve blood circulation and lymph flow. It is mainly used in cosmetics and consists of cupping and a massage. This supports the elimination of waste products from the metabolism and strengthens the immune system.

In addition, the skin becomes more receptive to caring substances, as ointments and creams can be absorbed more effectively. Overall, cupping massage has a relaxing effect down to the deeper layers of muscle tissue and can help improve health and well-being.

Founder BACKLAxx® and Content Manager.

About the author

Roland Späht is the founder of BACKLAxx® and a content strategist. He had already been struggling with back pain since childhood due to scoliosis. After studying engineering, he worked in project management for years and during this time he intensively dealt with the treatment of his worsening back pain.

His goal was to fight his way out of this downward spiral of pain without medication and permanent medical treatment. In this way he found ways and means for himself that permanently relieved his pain. He is firmly convinced that everyone can find an alternative way out of pain.