Returns made easy!
You want to return your goods?
It is a pity that we could not convince you with our BACKLAxx® product and we regret this very much.
However, we understand that it is not for everyone. We appreciate your support and thank you for trying the product.
Here are a few important tips for your refund claim:
- Your BACKLAxx® product should be returned in its original condition.
- Please use the original outer packaging for the return shipment.
- Please remove old shipping labels.
- Please include all components of the shipment such as bags, packaging inserts and brochures with the return.
- Please enclose the delivery bill or invoice. Alternatively, fill in the cancellation policy. This makes it easier for us to assign your return and helps you to receive your refund as quickly as possible.
- If your BACKLAxx® product does not arrive in its original condition, we reserve the right to retain part or all of the invoice amount for reconditioning or disposal. You can find more details here.
Once we receive the product in its original condition, we will refund your money. Please note that the refund of your order can take up to 7 working days from the time it arrives in our warehouse.
We would like to ask you from the bottom of our hearts to consider for a moment whether the return is absolutely necessary, because every package that is sent means a burden for the environment.
Maybe you have a friend who would like to adopt your BACKLAxx® product?
Should the product have any defects, we will be happy to assist you in word and deed and will be happy to find an alternative solution to the return shipment together with you.
Just write to us for that!
For returns outside Germany, you will be refunded the full invoice amount minus the return costs of a maximum of 5.90 € .
Hold your order number and the email address you used to make the purchase. You can find the order number in your order confirmation email, which you received directly after placing your order.