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5% discount on everything
We give you 5% off the complete product range with the code"ENTSPANNUNG".
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Click on the relevant offer on our voucher page and have the voucher code displayed. 2.
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Our vision
A world with more health, well-being and relaxation!
Wir unterstützen Dich mit ganzheitlichen Lösungen und legen dabei großen Wert auf die verantwortungsbewusste Verwendung von natürlichen Rohstoffen in all unseren Produkten.
Werde Teil unserer familiären Gemeinschaft und gestalte gemeinsam mit uns eine gesündere Welt.
Alex, Roland and Helmut
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What our customers say

As soon as the asanas become a little more strenuous and the hands a little sweaty, the grip is even better! With the included mat belt, the mat can also be transported without any problems. I give it a clear buy recommendation, the mat is worth the money!
Kathrin G.

Like everything from BackLaxx, the mat arrived quickly and in very good quality. At first I found the yoga mat heavy, but I kept it anyway because I like the material so much. Positive: The packaging film is made of corn starch. Great!!! I haven't tried the course yet.

I am really very enthusiastic about the yoga mat! It rolls out perfectly on the floor and doesn't slip. The cork surface also has an enormous grip and is still soft. I use the mat occasionally for small home workouts. A clear recommendation - I would order it again immediately.